Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is multi-tasking a spiritual practice cheating or more fully living it?

Beginning to wonder if this regular blogging (almost daily) is keeping me from journaling the way I had been and where/what the right balance is.

Someday it seems there’s extra time and others, not.

I also wonder if this is more or less of a spiritual practice than what I have been doing. There is more of a push to keep this up [imagined?]. I don’t journal daily ... just when I feel the need. I have tried Julia Cameron’s (the Artist’s Way) morning pages at times and they were wonderful, but my life doesn’t allow for that daily. Or am I the obstacle?

At a retreat last weekend, someone mentioned they felt as if they lived their day as a practice instead of setting aside a specific time. That’s how I’ve begun to feel the past couple of years. As if an aperture was opened and keeps getting wider and wider, thinning the veil between realities.

I find myself multi-tasking: using my daily swim as meditation, praying in the sauna, meditating on the treadmill. Is that cheating (myself, mostly, I guess) or making the spiritual more a part of my daily life?

I wonder.

• Do I have a daily spiritual practice?
• What suites me?
• Have I experimented or explored a variety?
• How do I feel when I am without one?
• Are there seasons to a regular practice?

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